Each site has a description that is technical and one that is non-technical.
This online resource involves a map of Nova Scotia with areas that students can ‘visit’. 3D EARTHQUAKE MODELS FOR 6TH GRADERS FULL
This assignment uses Google’s Grand Canyon Trek to ‘hike’ the entire length of the Bright Angel Trail, with full 360 degree views along the way. A collection of trips that range from exploring modern to ancient environments preserved in the sedimentary rock record, including the Grand Canyon. This trip takes students to Australia to explore the location of some of the oldest animal species on Earth!. Virtual Field Trip of Australian Ediacaran sites Complete with lesson plans, a tutorial, and an introduction to get you and your students started, this virtual field trip explores Upheaval Dome, the impact crater in Utah. School of Earth and Space Exploration Upheaval Dome Field Trip An interactive geologic tour of the columnar basalts in California. An online library of geologic outcrops that can be incorporated into lesson plans. A collection of outcrops, fossils, and hand samples all hosted on SketchFab (3D viewer is self-contained online), compiled by Professor Robert Mahon. 3D EARTHQUAKE MODELS FOR 6TH GRADERS LICENSE
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike license. Open access laboratory book with interactive exercises covering topics such as minerals, rocks, topographic maps, plate tectonics, geologic structures, geologic time, and geologic maps. Physical Geology Laboratory Book and Exercises
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Open access textbook that incorporates 3D specimens into chapters as relevant. A free, online petrology textbook with great resources, including an atlas of minerals in thin section. To find just BLUE teaching resources visit here. All individuals and projects with natural history collection-based educational materials for any grade levels, disciplines, and topics are invited to link materials to this portal. The vision for this portal is to create a space for the broader collections-based education community to aggregate and disseminate resources. Natural History Collections Portal on QUBES It evolved from a meeting in November 2016 called, “ Integrating Resources and Growing the Community: Data Resources and Data Literacy“. This is a project that is focused on bringing collections data into undergraduate classrooms and using it to teach data skills. Original tweet here.īiodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Education on QUBES
Shared by Steve Gough, a river conservation scientist.
Set of 50 videos on river geomorphology on YouTube. Open access textbook, syllabus, assignments, YouTube videos, etc. Professor Brian O’Meara’s course on phylogenetic methods. Phylogenetic Methods: building and using trees to answer compelling questions. Contains lecture videos on statistics and sedimentology/stratigraphy. Professor Matthew Clapham’s YouTube channel 3D EARTHQUAKE MODELS FOR 6TH GRADERS HOW TO
How to Find the Best Internet for Online Teaching Jobs Online Lectures and Modules Inside Higher Ed Article: ‘So You Want to Temporarily Teach Online’ Resources for Moving Classes to Online Formats Micro My Earth features online lectures, courses, and links to other geoscience resources. Includes GSA’s online resources and other related geology and natural science resources: Geological Society of America Online Resources List of HS Earth Science Online Resources curated by Robert Williams. Professor Julie Libarkin created a Geoscience Online Database Google Sheet with tabs across the bottom for online lectures, online labs, and other online resources. The SERC InTeGrate Teaching Materials page include lots of online teaching resources. The Earth Science Women’s Network is also compiling a list: Online Teaching Resources Resources are also being compiled by the Paleontological Society members and affiliates: Paleo-Online Educational Resources
We will continue to add to this list over time. Most of these are designed for undergraduate college and university courses, but some are useful for high school Earth Science courses. On this page we have compiled online teaching resources, specifically resources that allow for classes to be taught mainly or completely online.